Revisiting the Family Album: Stories That Bind Us, Center for Fine Art Photography, online
6/6/23 - 12/31/23
What Was Once Dune, 2024
Jurors Statement
I recently purchased a vintage photo album that was missing many of its photographs. One page, in particular, caught my attention. At the bottom of the empty page was the word “me.” It felt like a profound loss – a story with no beginning or end – and it spoke to the importance of telling our stories, of creating physical documents that state, “This is my life, this is me.”
Not to overstate the obvious, but it was a dream to be the juror for this amazing selection of photographs and to work with Hamidah Glasgow and the staff at the Center for Fine Art Photography. I felt very privileged to spend time with the over 2,000 images; each carefully selected for this theme and each so appropriate in its interpretation. So much so that we were able to almost double the exhibition size.
I want to extend a huge thank you for allowing me into your lives, your families, your memories, and, most importantly, your photographs. While reviewing the work, I felt like I was invited into your family albums as you shared what it’s like to be a participant-observer, to be a child or a parent or person, and still be a photographer and share your personal histories with the world.
As a juror, I look for unique and elevated images that delight, excite, and make me want to see more; the work needs to reveal a quality of expression that is poetic, magical, meaningful, and creative. Most importantly, work that is fully resolved and shows prowess.
Congratulations to all the photographers. No decision came lightly, and I am so appreciative to all who submitted.
- Aline Smithson
Online gallery courtesy of Center for Fine Art Photography